Project Description
Born in Hong Kong, Terry began violin study with Jason Ho and Piano Study with Barbara
Chen. In his early ages, he achieved violin performance diploma, grade eight in both piano
and music theory from The Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music and AmusTCL from
the Trinity College. Chan also won prizes in Hong Kong Schools Music Festival.
In 2004, he entered the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) to study violin
performance under Leung Kin-Fung and chamber music under Ray Wang. Chan also studied
orchestral conducting, choral conducting and music therapy. In 2008, he entered Pro Arte
Orchestra of Hong Kong and acted as concertmaster.
In the same year, he graduated from HKAPA and received scholarship to continue his violin
study in the United States with Professor Piotr Milewski. Chan received his Master of Music
in Violin from the College-Conservatory of Music, University of Cincinnati (CCM). He is
currently a candidate for the Doctor of Musical Arts in CCM. Terry also studied conducting
with Mark Gibson, Annunziata Tomaro. Chan has performed with many different
organizations, including Hong Kong Philharmonic, Macau Orchestra and City Chamber
Orchestra of Hong Kong.
室內樂,副修樂團指揮、合唱指揮、音樂治療。二零零八年加入Pro Arte
Orchestra of Hong Kong並為該團的創團團長。陳氏於同年在演藝學院取得音樂
於留學美國五年間,師隨Piotr Milewski學習小提琴,另外跟隨Mark Gibson及
Annunziata Tomaro修習樂團指揮。陳氏於二零一零年開始修讀小提琴音樂博士及